The average gestation period for a dog is 63 days, though can safely range between 58 - 65 days depending on the female and her pregnancy. During this time we make sure that the female is still getting adequate exercise, but are careful that she doesn't over-exert herself. Pregnant females tend to have "Queen Status" in our household, as we just can't help but spoil them rotten!
Ultrasound Confirmation
Between 28 - 35 days after their breeding, we can confirm pregnancy through the use of an ultrasound machine. This is a great opportunity for us to get a look at all of the internal organs as well and make sure everything is doing well. The ultrasound is only used to confirm pregnancy and check for heartbeats, and so we can not get an accurate count of puppies or tell genders until they are born. We are very fortunate to have photogenic veterinarians that allow us to film them during the procedure, and we like to post the videos on our facebook page. Here is an example of an ultrasound appointment. Click here for the Youtube Video.

Xray Confirmation
Some females are very obviously pregnant by 30 days post ovulation. If this is the case, or for various other reasons, we will wait until day 55 - 61 to do an abdominal xray. This gives us more of a puppy count and to see if everyone is growing the same. For smaller litters, it also gives us a chance to measure skulls and make sure that the expecting mother can naturally deliver her pups.

We have nurseries set up for each female so that she has a safe, clean, and warm "den" for her to comfortably deliver her puppies. We all take shifts sitting in with her when active labor starts, making sure that she is comfortable and has everything that she needs to have a safe and uneventful birthing.
Every female is different. some taking only 4 hours to have their puppies, and some taking almost 24 hours. It is common for puppies to be born 2 - 4 hours apart, and there is always someone sitting in with her during the whole process.
This is a very busy time, so please don't be offended if we are not answering messages or keeping the website updated with a puppy count. Please give us a good 48 hours or more to catch up on our sleep and give our undivided attention to the new mother and her puppies.
There are times when we do not post photos of the pups, or even announce their births until they are over a week old. This is because life can get in the way! We may be busy with mom and her pups, or we are keeping a close eye on the pups. There are occasionally puppies born later in the birthing process that start out weaker than their siblings. If this happens, we will be spending more time with this puppy and setting them up to thrive.