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Will my puppy’s ears come up?

German Shepherd puppies have many different stages of growth, and their ears seem to reflect every stage! Some puppies will have their ears up at 6 weeks, only to come down when they start teething. Some pups will take a few months to come up, starting with one, then the other, and then go floppy during a huge growth spurt. The usual rule of thumb is that if your pups ears have come up before, they will come back up on their own. It can take up to 6 months for some, so please do not put in supports unless you have contacted us about it. It is completely normal for a 4 month old puppy to have ears flop over, and you can do more hard than good by messing with them.

Doing anything to their ears too early can permanently damage the cartilage and leave them with floppy ears for life. We recommend being gentle with the ears as a puppy, not forcing them or handling them too much. Keeping them on a good quality dog food will also help ...

The muscle that runs along the jaw is responsible for supporting the ear, so when they are teething, their ears tend to go down. We recommend having hard chew bones available for your pup so that they can teeth and help strengthen that muscle. Those bones also help round off those needle-sharp puppy teeth!


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