In all of the years of breeding and puppy raising, we have learned a lot, and have been passed a lot of information from other breeders, puppy owners, and veterinarians. It is so hard to remember all of the little tips and tricks when we are handing you your new Seelenvoll Puppy on “Gotcha Day”, so we’ve decided to put it all in one place that can be easily accessed. This is an ongoing blog that we will continue to add information onto as we continue to learn more.
Here you can find answers to many questions that puppy owners (new and experienced) have asked us.
Our goal is to condense the information down to one "blog" per topic, and possibly link to other articles that we found helpful. If you have any fun information that you would like to share, please feel free to send it through email, and we will start researching it before adding it to our handbook.